So what is Methylation? It is a vital metabolic process that takes place in every cell and in each of the
body’s vital organs. It makes membranes that surround each of our cells
more fluid. Technically, it starts with the small parts of molecules called Methyl groups.
A Methyl group is a carbon atom with 3 hydrogen atoms attached to it. Movement of these carbon atoms goes on in every
cell and tissue of the body. Methylation helps regulate the switching on and off of genes (known as gene expression) and is
one of the most crucial regulators of health and life itself. Methylation is
involved in hundreds of chemical reactions that regulate cell energy, healing,
immunity and genetic expression of DNA and RNA. Methylation helps “flush
out” harmful fat which helps regulate our weight and keeps fat from accumulating in our arteries. Methylation is essential to the production of melatonin, which we need to regulate our biological clocks
and to keep our daily sleep cycle in tune. Methylation is the main way our body
clears and eliminates histamine, which can cause inflammation, allergic reactions, and even asthma. It plays an important
role in keeping estrogen down (high levels are attributed to breast cancer). The methylation cycle can be impaired by stress,
environmental factors or nutrient deficiencies. This allows an amino acid called homocysteine,
to escape into the bloodstream where it becomes toxic. High blood levels of homocysteine can cause severe damage to the human
body. Homocysteine can destroy the protein that your brain and bones are made
from. Controlling the amount of homocysteine which can become a blood vessel
toxin is truly a matter of life and death. High homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinemia) is one of several causes that have been shown
to develop arteriosclerosis. However, it doesn’t stop there, high homocysteine
has been implicated and shown to be high in mental disorders i.e. Alzheimer’s disease, depression, neurological aging,
cancer, anemia, osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, eye disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome and many others. As we age this becomes immensely important because when we are young our body is optimally
efficient at assimilating nutrients from the foods we consume because by nature we are designed to reproduce offspring but
once this takes place (Teens - 30’s), our bodies slowly run out of "methyl power" and we become less and less able to
assimilate nutrients. (The mechanism of evolution tends to select reproductive success rather than longevity, per se) Compounding all of this is the fact that much of our food supply has become overly
processed and is deficient in nutrients that help keep homocysteine at bay. B vitamins, (specifically B-12, Folic acid and
B6) are instrumental in keeping homocysteine in check. Fast food depletes our
bodies of B vitamins. For most of us, diet alone is not sufficient to provide these nutrients so simple basic supplementation
is needed. You may consider having your homocysteine levels checked on your next annual doctor’s visit. While 5 to 15 micromolar is normal, optimal is 6 or lower. It’s
easy to see that the powers to be would not want you to know that simple dietary changes with key supplementation could replace
all those high cost pharmaceutical drugs. It would be wise to know your homocysteine
levels. To learn more, buy or go to the library and pick up the book, “Methyl
Magic” by Craig Cooney Ph.D. or the man who started it all- Kilmer McCully’s “The Heart Revolution”. These books explain that prevention of most
diseases, even if they are hereditary, can be as simple as undertaking a diet that fights inflammation coupled with moderate
exercise and some readily available supplements. Finally, for those that have
a current problem, and want to flush yourself of high cholesterol without pharmaceuticals, Robert Kowalski’s book “The New 8-Week Cholesterol Cure: The Ultimate Program for Preventing Heart Disease”
is worth a read.
If you have your homocysteine checked and it is high, the supplements listed below have been shown to reduce
it greatly, however, if your current homocysteine levels are optimal, it would be prudent to maintain these levels by exercising
regularly, taking a good quality multivitamin specializing in B-12, Folic acid, B6 plus utilizing the rich omega 3 oils and
eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Page 2 has an American Journal of Medicine study on the effect that a basic multivitamin
has on inflammation. In
his inaugural address, John F Kennedy said that the time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining. Thus, if we want to keep
our cognitive prowess into old age, it is very, very important that we pay attention to the fundamental role of inflammation
and intervene now proactively.
(1-750 MG) DAILY OF ANHYDROUS BETAINE (TMG) This hammers homocysteine- 180 caps (Approx
2. (1 mg) methylcobalamin B-12,
(400 mcg) FOLIC ACID, B6 sublingual (these 3 are the most critical for maintaining healthy homocysteine, make sure that the B12 is Methylcobalamin
B-12 not Cyanocobalamin B-12) (Aprox $20)
(These are great for your memory)!
4. (1 Tablespoon)
CAPSULES (60 caps of Krill Approx $19)